Thursday, 7 March 2013

Key points chapter 1 book 1

If  a set satisfies :
Closure property then it is called groupoid.
Closure + associative then it is called semi-group.
Closure+ Associative+ identity element then it is called monoid.
Closure+ Associative+ identity + inverse then it is called group.
If a set satisfies all the 11 properties then it is called field
Set of real numbers, rational numbers and complex numbers are field.

Identity element in a group is always unique.
Inverse of an element is always unique.
Total number of binary operations are 4.

Powers of i :
If you have to tackle an MCQ which has high powers of  then follow the following points:
1.     Divide the power by 4.
2.     If remainder is 0 then answer is +1.
3.     If remainder is 2 then answer is  -1.
4.     If remainder is 1 then answer is +i .
5.     If remainder is 3 then answer is   -i .

Let n(A) = n     (let number of elements in set A is n)
2n = number of all possible subsets (or power sets)
2n-1=2n-20= number of all proper subsets
2n-1= number of non-empty subsets.
2n-2 =2( 2n-1-1) non-empty proper subsets.

Power set has only one improper subset.
Number of elements in a set= order of set(cardinality)
{ } this is null set.

{0} this is singleton set.

In singleton set:
All subsets are 2. 1 proper and 1 improper.

A set having no proper subset is empty set.

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