Monday, 22 April 2013

Chemistry Test Chapter 4 book 1

1.     Sugar is an example of
a)     Ionic crystal
b)    Covalent crystal
c)     Molecular crystal
d)    Metallic crystal

2.     Electron sea theory was proposed by
a)     Drude
b)    Loren
c)     Pauling
d)    Fritz London

3.     Give the name of following system a≠b≠c ; alpha=gama=900 ;  beta ≠900
a)     Monoclinic
b)    Orthorhombic
c)     Tetragonal
d)    Triclinic

4.     Which functional group is present in glucose
a)     CHO
b)    C2O4
c)     C2O2
d)    COOH

5.     Maximum packing efficiency which is present in crystals is
a)     62%
b)    72%
c)     74%
d)    100%

6.     74% packing efficiency is associated with ______ crystalline system
a)     Hexagonal
b)    Face centered cubic
c)     Both a and b
d)    Monoclinic

7.     By increasing size of ion, lattice energy
a)     Increases
b)    Decreases
c)     Remains constant
d)    Is not regularly changed

8.     Which of the following is face centered cubic arrangement
a)     ABC-ABC
b)    AB-AB
c)     ACB-ACB
d)    CBA-ABC

9.     Nature of copper crystal is
a)     Metallic
b)    Ionic
c)     Covalent
d)    Molecular

10.                        Ionic solids are characterized by the
a)     Low melting point
b)    Good conductivity in solid state
c)     High vapor pressure
d)    Solubility in the polar solvent

11.                        Mostly crystals show good cleavage because their atoms, ions or molecules are
a)     Arranged in planes
b)    Weakly bonded together
c)     Spherically symmetric
d)    Strongly bonded together

12.                        The coordination number of a body centered atom in a crystal is
a)     4
b)    6
c)     8
d)    12

13.                        Metallic bond has been explained by a number of theories, LIUS PAULING has proposed the theory
a)     MOT
b)    Electron Gas theory
c)     Band theory
d)    VBT

14.                        Hardness of diamond is attributed to the
a)     Strength of ionic bond in the structure
b)    Three dimensional net work of covalent bond
c)     Absence of valence electron in C atom
d)    Tetrahedral geometry of each carbon atom

15.                        All the metals shine when they are freshly cut because
a)     Conductivity of metal increases
b)    Cutting process gives energy to metal atoms
c)     Electron become less delocalized
d)    Excited electron emits energy when de-excited

16.                        Existences of different compound in the same crystalline form is called
a)     Anisotropy
b)    Polymorphism
c)     Isomorphism
d)    Allotropy

17.                        Ionic solids become brittle under stress because
a)     Ionic solids are unable to bear stress
b)    Same ions start repelling each other
c)     This is the property of ionic solids
d)    All ionic solids do not show same behavior

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