Sunday 3 March 2013

Basic arithemtic concepts

A 1:
What is the value of ||3|-|-5||   ?
a)    -8
b)   -2
c)    0
d)   2
e)    8

A 2:
How many integers satisfy the inequality |x|< π ?
a)    0
b)   3
c)    4
d)   7
e)    More than 7

A 3:

If the product of 10 numbers is positive, what is the greatest number of them that could be negative ?
a)    0
b)   1
c)    5
d)   9
e)    10

=∣3-5∣=∣-2∣=2     (d)

There are 7 integers which satisfy this inequality : -3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3.
D choice is correct.

Since the product of 10 numbers is positive, all 10 of the numbers could be negative. So (e) is correct.

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